

Le nom de HIGHWAY 55 a été choisi pour cette émission car l'autoroute 55 (maintenant Interstate 55) traverse les Etats Unis du Sud au Nord, en partant, en bas, de La Nouvelle Orléans et en remontant tout droit vers le Nord, en suivant une partie du cours du Mississippi, et en passant par des villes telles que Memphis et St Louis et se terminant, tout là-haut, à Chicago. C'est exactement cette voie qu'ont suivie les premiers bluesmen noirs issus du Delta du Mississippi pour gagner le Nord, jusqu'à Chicago, propageant leur musique dans tout le pays et transformant ainsi profondément la culture Nord Américaine, transportant également la semence qui a fait naître le Rhythm 'n' Blues et le Rock 'n' Roll.


Highway 55

Ecoute En Différé


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jeudi 14 avril 2016

Highway 55 - Emission n° 53 (2016-04-14) "Spéciale Eddie COCHRAN 2016"

HIGHWAY 55 - Emission n° 53 (2016-04-14)

1. Eddie COCHRAN – Blue Suede Shoes
2. The COCHRAN Brothers – Tired And Sleepy
3. Eddie COCHRAN – Somethin’ Else
4. STRAY CATS – Somethin’ Else
5. Eddie COCHRAN – Jungle Jingle
6. Bob DENTON & Eddie COCHRAN – Sick And Tired
7. Darrel HIGHAM – Lonely River
8. Vince TAYLOR – Twenty Flight Rock
9. Eddie COCHRAN – Twenty Flight Rock (Radio Version)
10. Eddie COCHRAN - Think Of Me
11. Eddie COCHRAN – Milk Cow Blues
12. Eddie COCHRAN – Don’t By, Bye Baby Me
13. Eddie COCHRAN – Pink Peg Slags
14. Eddie COCHRAN – Long Tall Sally
15. Eddie COCHRAN (J Capehart voc.) – Latch On


8 commentaires:

  1. Hello

    Can you please reupload this file.


    1. Hello
      I will do that in a fews days and warn you about it
      Jean Marc
      "Highway 55"

  2. Well, it's done! the file has been reuploaded and you can click on the new link to hear this programme again
    Would you tell me why you are concerned with that broadcasting ? Are you a E Cochran real fan like I am? In which country do you live ?

  3. Hi

    Yes I`m big fan and collector. I have one of the biggest Cochran collection here in Finland. Most of the record photos in BF box set was from my collection!!!

  4. Ho! I'm so glad and proud to know you! E Cochran is really one of my favorite artist. Of course I got the BF Box and i will look à the photos carrefully. Have you heard the Cochran programme reloaded ?
    Are you OK to send to me your mail adress, to receive my flyers announcing my programmes ? Our musical styles are: blues, rock n' roll, rockabilly, boogie woogie, rythm n' blues ... It will always be a pleasure to talk with you!

  5. Hi
    I have listened your program, but I didn`t understand a word what you are speaking, but that`s not bad thing. I have your Cochran specials from year 2014 & 2015.
    I recently found 2 Cochran Brothers Acetates with unreleased versions of "Rollin`" and "Rockin' and Flyin'" Is your Email address: ?? I can send small teasers of those songs, if you promise to keep them only for your self!!!!

  6. Sorry, but on radio I can speak only french (my listeners are mostly french or french-speacking!) Yes, my mail adress is : and you can send me the teasers; I'm so interested and I promise to keep it just for myself. Thanks again!
